Acting Types- Shawshank Redemption

There are different acting types throughout film and stage and some of them are portrayed in the different characters in The Shawshank Redemption. I have chosen the three characters and outlined their acting types in depth below.

Andy Dufresne- The acting type used here is realism as the actor, Tim, Robbind, truly portrays the correct characteristics of a reserved banker accused wrongfully of murder. Realism does not draw attention to the acting and instead portrays genuine human reaction and emotion (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2014). Throughout the film Andy uses realism to convey the despair of his dire situation and each emotion and reaction is genuine in nature and heartfelt.

Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding- The acting type used here is realism also as the actor Morgan Freeman portrays a prisoner that has been locked up for many years very skillfully and believably. Throughout the film, Red portrays a wise convict who befriends Andy and helps him along the way. He was convicted of murder some 40 years before but has changed into an insightful, humbled old man who is nothing but helpful to the other inmates.

Warden Norton- The acting type used by Warden Norton, who is played by Bob Gunton, is more of a stylized acting type blended with realism, as he is very over the top and his facial expressions and dialogue are often almost “too much” at times but he does nail the part of a hard nosed warden. Throughout the film. he is brash, abusive, irrational and participates in illegal activity by laundering money through the prison books. His stylized acting type shines through but you also see the realism as the tough warden of a men’s maximum security prison and the abuse of power that has taken place in the real world many times.

To focus on the character Red (Morgan Freeman) who although in prison for murder is a kind, caring, wise individual with a sense of humor. In looking at his other roles in different films he seems to play the same type of character. Driving Miss Daisy, Million Dollar Baby, and Bruce Almighty, where he actually played God, are just some examples of where he is a wise man always willing to help out and be there for others. In the clip shown below, he is helping Andy in Shawshank Redemption to figure out an issue; below that he is helping Bruce in Bruce Almighty do the same. The characters acting styles do make a major impact on this film as the realism really brings it to life for the audience. Although most people have never been to prison, let alone convicted of murder, wrongfully or not, you can almost relate to the characters and feel their pain and struggle through their acting.

Dark Sanctuary BBS (2011 June 11,). Get busy living or get busy dying. Retrieved from

Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.

MovieClips (2011 June 1,). God teaches Bruce to pray. Retrieved from

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